Sunday, 9 March 2025

New Release - Demon’s Past by Shari Sakurai


Book Title: Demon’s Past

Author and Cover Artist: Shari Sakurai

Publisher: Farnhurst Publishing 

Release Date: March 7, 2025

Tense/POV: third person, alternating POV

Genres: MM Paranormal/vampires

Tropes: Friends to lovers

Themes: Coming out

Heat Rating: 1 flame     

Length: 77 000 words

It is not a standalone story, but you do not need to have read the other books in the series to enjoy it. 

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

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Immortality has its price 


April 1889, Nagasaki, JAPAN

When apprentice merchant Thane Bremen travels with his family to Nagasaki, he is more excited about the exotic destination than studying his trade. A chance encounter with a local man gives Thane the opportunity to learn more about the culture of Japan. 

Kokawa Taku is unlike anyone Thane has ever met before. He is outgoing, charming, spontaneous and Thane finds himself instantly drawn to him. Taku opens Thane’s eyes to new experiences, and perhaps a different future to the one that is mapped out for him. When their friendship turns into romance, Thane struggles with his father’s expectations for him and how the society he is from would view his relationship with Taku. 

As they become closer, Thane learns that Taku is a vampire. With this, he begins to understand just what it means for them both. Taku will live forever, and Thane’s life will be over in a comparative blink of an eye. While Thane contemplates what it is to love the immortal, a disaster strikes that threatens to part them sooner than either of them thought was possible.


“Those who come to worship at the shrine must first use the water basin to purify themselves,” Taku explained as he knelt in front of the structure. Thane watched as he used one of the wooden ladles available to wash his hands, left first and then right. He cupped some of the water to rinse out his mouth. He did not swallow the water and spat it out next to the fountain. Finally, he dipped the handle of the ladle into the basin to clean it. Thane did not hesitate in following his companion’s example. Taku smiled in appreciation of his actions. He then led the way up the path towards the main shrine.

Taku slipped his shoes off before climbing the steps. Thane followed him and unlaced his boots. This part of the shrine was called the Haiden – hall of worship – Taku explained. Thane looked around, amazement at the intricate detail of the hall filling him. There were beautifully crafted paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling, incredibly detailed religious carvings and inscriptions either on wooden blocks or paper.

“This is beautiful,” Thane stated softly.

“The haiden is open to the public for worship,” Taku explained. “The heiden – hall of offerings – is behind it and then the honden where the God is enshrined. The God enshrined here is Ebisu, the God of luck and fishermen, which is quite appropriate for Nagasaki.”

“Can we visit the honden?”

“It is most usually closed to the general public, but I do not see the harm in showing you.”

Taku was about to lead the way further into the shrine when he suddenly stopped.

“What is it?” Thane asked.

“There is someone outside.”

Thane had not heard anyone, however, he quietly followed Taku as he crept towards the edge of the veranda to retrieve their shoes.

“Who is it?” Thane whispered anxiously.

“The police,” Taku’s tone was casual, and he did not appear unduly concerned.

“The police!” Thane did not share his calm. “Why?”

“There have been instances where items have been stolen from the shrines. Someone must have noticed us going in and reported it as it is rather late for worship.”

“We are just looking around. Can you explain that to them?”

“They believe the thief to be a foreigner and considering opinion on the western influences it would not be good to be found here,” Taku slipped his shoes on and kept watch whilst Thane did likewise.

“What shall we do?” Thane could now clearly see a light from a candle. They were still closer to the torii gates but gradually the light was moving in their direction.

“Follow me,” Taku quietly stepped off the veranda. He led Thane around the back of the shrine and towards the perimeter fence surrounding it. Thane glanced doubtfully up at the wooden barrier. With the lights from the shrine behind them he did not know if he could see well enough to climb over.

Taku did not share his hesitation. He had to jump to catch hold of the top of the fence but did so with surprising ease. With a grace that Thane had feeling he would envy, Taku pulled himself up and over.

“Thane, come on!” he called. The voices were drawing closer now and it was only a matter of time before they were seen.

Thane was tall enough to be able to grip the fence without the need for the small jump. He scrambled up the side of it, but with a lot less grace than his companion. The shout that went up as Thane reached the top startled him. He heard a ripping of fabric as he lost his balance and landed in a painful heap on the safe side of the fence.

“Are you alright?” Taku enquired as he helped Thane up.

“Yes, thank you,” he carefully stood, feeling some discomfort from the landing but no serious injuries.

“Good because I believe that we may have to run,” Taku commented in amusement.

As Taku spoke, Thane heard the two policemen shouting again. He glanced down the street in the direction of the noise and saw that they had exited the shrine and were hurrying towards them.

“This way,” Taku took a hold of Thane’s hand and started pulling him away from the shrine.

Thane once more questioned the wisdom in fleeing, but he did not wish to get into any bother. His father might well put him on the first ship home if he did.

“Where are we going?” he asked. Even though Thane was following him, Taku did not let go of his hand. Thane did not consider himself an unfit man, but the pace that Taku set was faster than he was used to running. In fact, Thane was surprised that his feet did not leave the ground all together at the speed in which they were going. Thane almost tripped as Taku suddenly changed direction and pulled him in between two buildings. Thane felt his back hit the side of the first wooden structure. Taku was beside him, their shoulders touching as he gestured for Thane to remain pressed against the wall. Thane heard the two men running past their location. After a few minutes more he felt he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Thane cast his gaze downwards to Taku’s hand that still gripped his own. A spark of what he could only describe as adrenaline went through him as he stared at their entwined fingers. Thane felt the warmth of a blush on his cheeks at the sensation and he gently pulled away.

About the Author 

Shari Sakurai is a British author of paranormal, horror, science fiction and fantasy novels that almost always feature a LGBTQ protagonist and/or antagonist. She has always loved to write and it is her escape from the sometimes stressful modern life!

Aside from writing, Shari enjoys reading, watching movies, listening to (loud!) music, going to rock concerts and learning more about other societies and cultures. Japanese culture is of particular interest to her and she often incorporates Japanese themes and influences into her work.

Shari loves a challenge and has taken part and won the National Novel Writing Month challenge thirteen times!

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Friday, 7 March 2025

Bud by Russell J. Sanders


Book Title: Bud

Author: Russell J. Sanders

Publisher: JMS Books

Cover Artist: Written Ink Designs

Release Date: December 1, 2024

Pairing: Transgender MF love story

Tense/POV: First person/past tense 

Genres: Contemporary interracial new adult romance

Tropes: Transgender love story

Themes: Transgender sexual awakening, acceptance of self and others

Heat Rating: No sexual content

Length: 65 000 words/336 pages 

It is a standalone book and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

JMS Books  |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK

Is young dancer Shelly Sheridan transgender? What does that mean?  

Will Shelly’s new guardian, the uncle Shelly’s never met, understand? What’s next in Shelly’s life?


Suddenly homeless, young dancer Shelly Sheridan, heartbroken at Christmas, is taken in by an uncle Shelly has never met and didn’t know existed. The burly ex-Marine uncle and his husband welcome Shelly with a shower of love and acceptance. Their friend Estrella, a retired ballet star, is enraptured by Shelly’s dancing.

Shelly makes a new friend the first day of school in this strange place but isn’t happy, feeling out of place and very different from the other boys. The new friend eventually suggests something Shelly didn’t even know was possible. Could Shelly be transgender?

When Shelly embraces this new idea, problems immediately arise. His former nanny doesn’t approve, and the trustee of his mother’s estate fights Shelly’s newly formed decisions.

With his new family’s unconditional love, Shelly hopes all will be well. It’s Christmas once again, and it will be a merry one if Shelly’s problems go away, and Christmas works its magic.


We barely got through the front door before Greta scooped me into her arms. 

I finally pulled away so I could look Greta in the eyes. I was gonna tell her to back off. I’d had enough of whatever she was doing -- loving, laughing, crying, whatever. I had to get upstairs to text Mimi. I was gonna give her an earful for ruining our special time. But I saw the deepest heartache in Greta’s eyes, deeper than I’ve ever seen in anyone’s.

“I’m so sorry, Liebchen. She loved you so much. You were her treasure.” And then she thrust something into my hand. “Keep this. Keep it safe. She would want you to have it.”

I opened my fingers, and there was the ballerina necklace. Why are you giving me my mother’s necklace? And what is all this you’re saying?

And then I heard the booming voice. Unmistakable. My mother’s lawyer. Mr. Stern. Standing in the arch leading to our living room. Commanding the world in his dark gray three-piece suit. He musta had a closet full of those suits. He never dressed any other way.

Why is he here?

Looking over half-glasses, he ordered, “Come here, son.”

I’m not your son.

He held out his hand, his fingers gesturing I should follow him. His face was stern, like his name, not a trace of a smile. Greta gave me a nudge in his direction. I followed him into the living room. He pointed toward the sofa. “Sit.”

Greta, right behind me, lowered me onto the soft sofa cushion. She sat next to me, closely -- like she was protecting me. Shawn too, who I had forgotten was even there, followed and sat in the chair facing us. Mr. Stern towered in his dark suit, his grim face hovering. That face didn’t bother me. He always looked like that. Angry.

“Sheldon, I have some news for you,” he said. “I don’t know how to say this, but I’ve always felt bad news is like a Band-Aid. Yank it off, and it doesn’t hurt as much. So I’m just going to say it.” He paused -- a long time.

What is all this yank it off stuff, if he isn’t going to tell me? It can’t be as bad as he makes out. My mother probably is going to be gone longer than the two days Greta said she’d promised.

“Son, your mother’s car slid out of control tonight. She was going up the mountain, the road must have been more slippery than she planned for -- who knows? -- and she lost control.”

What? I yelped. “What hospital is she in? Take me there. Now.” The anger I wanted to text her was gone, replaced by worry.

Mr. Stern held his hands up, palms out. He patted the air like he was motioning for me to sit, although I hadn’t gotten up, and he was not even close enough to touch me. Greta put her arm around me. Even Shawn, I noticed, looked sad.

“Boy, I’m sorry. Your mother’s dead.”

Uh-uh. Not possible. Mimi’s in Park City. She’s at a client meeting.

“You hear me, son? Amelia died tonight.”

“No,” I lunged at him. “You’re crazy. My mother’s with her client. She made Shawn take me to the ballet. Very important meeting.” I beat his body with both fists until I suddenly stopped. I stood a moment. “Somebody’s told you a lie, Mr. Stern.”

Mr. Stern was playing a joke or he’d been given bad intel, as they say, or something, at least, was wrong, very wrong. My mother was not dead.

“Sheldon,” he said, “you’ve got to face it.” As he pushed me back to the sofa, he said, “Your mother, Amelia Sheridan, is gone.”

Greta leaned over and talked in my ear. “It’s true, Liebchen. I wish it weren’t, but it is.”

Greta would never play a trick on me like that. If she said it was true, it was.

I screamed. A blood-curdling wail. A scream that coulda woke the dead. Neighbors miles around musta heard it.

When I stopped, I stopped. I wasn’t wasting another tear because it wouldn’t bring my Mimi back. I remember thinking, “Lord --” I didn’t even believe in God “-- please put my life back together. I’ll go to church. I’ll be the best little Mormon boy I can be. Just bring Mimi back to me.”

But God wasn’t listening.

About the Author  

A life spent in Texas led to a relocation adventure, and native Texas author Russell J. Sanders now resides in Las

Vegas, Nevada. He and his husband were compelled to set out for parts unknown, and that led them to Vegas, where they are supremely happy. But they don’t stay put. They’ve traveled the world, journeying to England, France, Italy, Japan, India, Bali, Jakarta, Toronto, Quebec City, Nova Scotia, Vancouver, Alaska, and Hawaii. And his novels are infused with locations as near as Ft. Worth, Chicago, Houston, and Las Vegas and as far away as Halifax. Who knows where he will lead readers next?

But one thing is known, there will be Mexican food. Russell’s on a quest to check out the Mexican cuisine in places both near and far. The not-so-good he has tried was in Wyoming; Jakarta, Indonesia, though, has some pretty decent enchiladas. The quest is to try, not to always be satisfied at what is found. So this Mexican food loving teacher, actor, director, singer, chef, and author loves adventure. And mostly, Russell's goal is to tell the world, through his writing, that we are all put on this earth to love one

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