Thursday 29 August 2024

Best Wrong Thing by Colette Davison


Book Title: Best Wrong Thing

Author and Publisher: Colette Davison

Cover Artist: Covers by Jo

Release Date: August 23, 2024

Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance

Tropes: Forbidden romance, secret relationship, one-night stand to lovers, age-gap

Themes: Being true to yourself

Heat Rating:  3.5-4 flames   

Length: 56 000 words

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Universal link   |   Amazon US   |   Amazon UK  

How can something that feels so right be wrong?


What do you do when your dad tells you he’s married the woman he had an affair with? Go out and get drunk.

At least, that’s my plan until the cute guy behind the bar chats me up. One thing leads to another, and we end up in bed together, only for me to discover he’s the last person on earth I should be fooling around with.

The problem? I can’t keep away, even though I know I should.

The more time I spend with Archer, the deeper I fall for him.

But when everyone around us will judge us for being together, can I be brave enough to admit he’s the best wrong thing to ever happen to me?

Best Wrong Thing is a one-night stand-to-lovers forbidden romance, with an age gap relationship, a strained holiday, and parents behaving badly.


“I guess your sorrows aren’t that bad,” Archer says once the rush dies.


He nods at my beer, which is three-quarters full. I’m doing a piss-poor job of getting drunk. “You haven’t drowned them yet.”

“Maybe I’m debating other ways to forget my woes.” Shut up.

He rests his forearms on the counter. “Oh?” 

I shake my head. “Forget I said anything.”

“What if I don’t want to forget you said anything?”

Is he flirting with me? Am I flirting with him?

“What if I want to help cheer you up?”

Oh, fuck. I lean forward. “How would you do that?”

He chuckles. “You tell me. Have a think and let me know. I need to serve a customer.” He walks backwards towards the waiting customer, gives me a wink, and turns to give the woman his undivided attention.

I fan myself. Would he be flirting with me if he cared I’m older than him?

As he serves customers with an easy smile and brisk conversation, I trace shapes in the condensation on the glass. I’m no longer interested in drinking myself into oblivion. Besides, by this point, my beer is probably so warm it’s unpalatable. 

“And here we are again.” He grabs a cloth and wipes the spotless counter.

I smile. “I haven’t moved. You’re the one who keeps coming and going.”

“Right? Work is such a bore.”

“You don’t enjoy it.”

“Oh, I love it. I get to meet lots of interesting people. Sometimes I even get to meet handsome men.”

My pulse spikes. 

He walks his fingers over the bar and taps it beside my resting hand. “You were going to think of ways I could help cheer you up tonight. Have you come up with anything?”

“We could get out of here when you finish work.” I’m really doing this. I’m hitting on a barman. And why not? He can always say no.

“For sex?”

His question is so casual my brain stutters.

“It’s a good distraction.” He grazes his fingers over mine.

“You want to have sex with me?” Smooth, Jacob. Smooth. It’s been a while since I’ve chatted up anyone. Hook-up apps get rid of the need for it.

His smile pops dimples in his cheeks. “Definitely.”

I undo the top button of my shirt. “Aren’t I—?”


“Too old?”

He laughs. “How old are you?”

I open my mouth.

He holds his hand up, palm facing me. “Let me guess. Thirty-two?”


“Higher or lower?”


“Not much higher. Thirty-four.”

I point my finger at the ceiling.

“Thirty-five?” He raises his brows.


“That’s a good age. Thirty-five is mature and experienced. Men get better with age.”

My pulse races. “Like red wine?”

He hums. “Exactly like red wine.”

I tug my collar away from my neck. Has it got hot in here?

“I get off in an hour.”

“So early?”

“I’ve been on shift since midday when the bar opened. Do me a favour.”


“Don’t finish your drinks. I don’t sleep with drunk guys.”

About the Author 

Colette’s personal love story began at university, where she met her future husband. An evening of flirting, in the shadow of Lancaster castle, eventually led to a fairytale wedding. She’s enjoying her own ‘happy ever after’ in the north of England with her husband, two beautiful children and her writing.

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Tuesday 27 August 2024

Town Bronze Regency Box Set by Ellie Thomas


Book Title: Town Bronze Regency Box Set Trilogy

Author: Ellie Thomas

Publisher: JMS Books

Release Date: August 10, 2024

Genre: Historical Regency M/M Romance

Tropes: Hurt/comfort, Younger/older

Themes: Cross-dressing, Spanking, Coming of age, Society of men

Heat Rating: 3 flames    

Length: 66 677  words

It Is the complete trilogy in a box set and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

Universal Book Link   |   Publisher

Amazon US   |   Amazon UK

This Regency box set comprises the three Town Bronze novellas by Ellie Thomas; Town Bronze, Pantaloons and Petticoats and Impeccable Credentials, with three young men, each unexpectedly finding love.


All three novellas in Ellie Thomas’ Regency Town Bronze series are gathered together in this box set. A trio of young gentlemen, former university friends, Jasper, Barney and Julian, are set loose in Regency London to pursue carefree pleasure. Instead, they find unexpected romance and follow their individual paths to true love. Contains the stories: 

Town Bronze: In 1812, Jasper Goodhew departs from sleepy Somerset for his first London season, anticipating fun, frolics and drunken debauchery. But to his consternation, he finds that a spanking from the firm hand of a particular older man sets him ablaze.

Can Jasper and Sir Mortimer Cleverly overlook their unorthodox introduction to become friends? Or is Jasper unable to resist his deepest instincts?

Pantaloons and Petticoats: In the autumn of 1812, Barney Marshall is a carefree young man, able to afford every variety of entertainment in Regency London while remaining heart-whole and fancy-free. All that changes after a passionate encounter with Rose, who by day is Ross, a clerk at Coutts Bank. Can Barney persuade Rose to trust him? And might their connection blossom into love?

Impeccable Credentials: In the autumn of 1812, aristocrat Julian Buchanan faces a crisis. He must choose between the trappings of his privileged life or the man he loves. Will Julian submit to his father’s decree and marry to further the family name? Or can he find the strength to break free?


Excerpt from Town Bronze

The next part of Jasper’s evening passed in patchy coherence. The older gentlemen departed with dignity almost immediately after Jasper's inadvertent blunder. With his wine glass replenished more than once by a luscious attendant, Jasper almost forgot about the impact of that searing gaze.  

He was vaguely aware of some of his companions departing with young ladies. Others were content to remain, drink deep, and dandle a damsel on their laps. Minutes or hours progressed in a pleasant haze until Jasper reached the point where he had drunk himself sober. 

Relatively clear-headed and suddenly thirsty, Jasper rose on remarkably steady legs to fetch a glass of water from the drinks tray on the capacious sideboard.

This gave him a clear view of the entrance hallway. The vestibule was empty, apart from the three gentlemen earlier expelled from the drawing room by an excess of wit. 

The gentleman with the remarkable hair was shaking the hands of his companions with a few congenial words. In that instant of seeming sobriety, it was terribly important for Jasper to make amends. He couldn’t have fathomed if this was due to his basic good manners and general inoffensiveness when not as drunk as a wheelbarrow. Or perhaps he was prompted by the infinite unimaginable possibilities in those haunting eyes.

He entered the hall as the gentleman escorted his companions towards the exit. Jasper stood uncertainly in front of the central staircase, awaiting his opportunity. Once his companions had departed, the remaining gentleman approached a further another doorway off the hall.

“Excuse me,” Jasper said, belatedly adding, “Sir.”

The gentleman turned, raising an inquisitorial dark brow that made him no less forbidding. 

During Jasper’s formal education, he occasionally got into trouble. To be fair, these incidents occurred either from absent-mindedness or when he tagged along in the wake of more exuberant and imaginative students. Any resulting discipline, a removal of privileges or corporal punishment, was a matter of course and not taken personally. His sporadic visits to the principal’s study were desultory and instantly forgotten by the disciplinarian and the culprit. 

This charged confrontation was entirely different. Jasper was unnerved by the swooping feeling in his belly as he faced his unknown foe. The older man drew closer but remained silent, his face expressionless, that implacable glare holding a sense of threat and thrill.

“I think I was somewhat discourteous earlier, and I wanted to say I was sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. We were all getting rather carried away and had too much to drink. I know it was a bit much, and we were rather close to the mark concerning you and your friends. But I suppose you were young once too, eh?”

Jasper tried and failed to raise a placating smile. The gentleman didn’t move a muscle and stared at Jasper as though regarding a failed scientific experiment.

"I mean to say, I was a bit bosky, and I wasn’t thinking straight. Anyone with decent eyesight could tell that’s your natural hair. You’re nowhere near old enough to be wearing a wig. You’d have to be in your dotage. And you’re not. Naturally. No one would think you’re wearing a cauliflower of the wig variety, and it doesn’t remotely resemble an actual cauliflower. I don’t know why I said that. You have very nice hair.”

Jasper’s ramble stuttered to a stop. Without softening his expression, the gentleman said, “You were insolent.”

Jasper blinked. He suddenly grasped his opponent was slightly the taller and his lean build held latent strength. He felt paralysed, like a snake to its charmer, in thrall to the depths of that gaze.

“I think you deserve to be punished.”

Jasper gulped.

The gentleman’s voice was persuasive. “You’ve earned a good thrashing.”

In a husky tone Jasper didn’t recognise as his own, he said, “I’ll let you be the judge of that. I’ll do anything you require.”

That eyebrow rose again. A glint of humour lit those night-dark eyes.


“Yes. No. I don’t know.”

About the Author  

Ellie Thomas lives by the sea. She comes from a teaching background and goes for long seaside walks where she daydreams about history. She is a voracious reader, especially about anything historical. She mainly writes historical gay romance.

Ellie also writes historical erotic romance as L. E. Thomas.

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Friday 23 August 2024

A Life in Letters: A Story of Resilience, Sequins and Hope by Rodney Rhoda Taylor


An emotional journey of resilience, sequins, and hope 

Book Title: A Life in Letters: A Story of Resilience, Sequins and Hope

Author: Rodney Rhoda Taylor

Publisher:  Cresting Wave Publishing

Cover Artist: Brian R. Barilleaux, Rodney Rhoda Taylor 

Release Date: July 9, 2024

Genre: Non-fiction/Memoir

Themes: Coming out, Awareness, Societal Expectations

Length:  23 580  words/  140 pages

It is a standalone book.

Heat Rating: No sexual content


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited 

Amazon US   |    Amazon UK 

From sudden pop-ups, ruined pajamas, glittery gowns, and conversations with God - a collection of letters that covers it all. 


A Life in Letters chronicles a gay man’s journey as he navigates the ups and downs of life through his letters. From the innocent correspondence with Santa Claus and asking for a Cher doll, through the trials and tribulations of puberty, sudden pop-ups, coming out, drag queens, heartbreak, and the joys of a Cosmo, we learn how the author maneuvers through the many curve balls life throws at him. Throughout, it’s a story of hope, courage, and strength. 


Dear Masculinity,

I have spent years trying to figure out who you are, and I am no closer to solving this mystery than I was when I first started. You are an enigma—a puzzle that cannot easily be solved. I know as much about you as I know about the moon’s backside. Why is that? (Well, not the moon part…) Why is your identity so vague?

All I know is that for years, both the straight and gay communities have told me that I don’t act like you, that I act like a girl, and that I’m too effeminate. But neither constituency can provide me with a definition of who you are. The straights can’t define you because, for

them, you are based on some ancient notion of what a man should be. And the gays can’t represent you because, for them, you are based on some overhyped-up sexual fantasy drawing created by Tom of Finland. And no one can measure up to an entire community’s sexual fantasy. I mean, damn—based on those two concepts, I was/am never going to fit into anyone’s idea of what being “masculine” is. The one element both communities agree on is that “men” are not supposed to have “feminine” characteristics. And if they do, then they better watch it, or they will be deemed … undesirable.

That leads to this question: Isn’t the whole preoccupation and belief that boys and men are supposed to act one way and girls and women are supposed to act another a bit … archaic?

Why do boys have to be masculine? Why do girls have to be feminine? And why, on God’s Green Earth, can’t either sex just “be”? Sans labels? If boys want to play with Barbie—so be it. If girls want to play football—so be it.

Let’s just say it: the idea of “masculinity” is out-of-date. It’s based on an out-of-date assumption that “men” are the more vigorous sex. These days, one’s strength is no longer strictly judged to be a “physical” attribute. These days, it is more (correctly) about a person’s inner drive and determination, regardless of the chromosome lottery.

Women have become quite “strong,” in my definition because they have had to fight their way out of being dominated by “masculine” men and more than a few ill-informed women. Then there are those men, like me, who get their nails done, walk with a swish in their step, shape their eyebrows, and act in a way that society says is “feminine.”

Our folks have always been deemed “not masculine” because of the way we act/appear. Yet many of us live on our terms—and do not welcome others’ ideas of how we should “act.” It takes a strong person to live their life that way. Especially considering the condemnation one can receive for doing so.

So, which is truly the strong, masculine person? The individuals who think Penis=Superior/Stronger? Or those who have had to fight to live on their terms despite the adversity they receive from the world for doing so? And which gender are they?


Feminine and Proud.

About the Author  

Rodney Taylor is a San Francisco State University graduate with a degree in Creative Writing. Initially exploring various writing paths, Rodney found a niche in playwriting, creating several short plays, including Eros, PoolsideGood-Bye CupidFairy GodmotherBaby ChristinaMotherly Advice, and P.S. I Love You. Their passion for theater culminated in co-founding Left Coast Theatre Co., an LGBTQ theater in San Francisco, with Joe Frank. After a brief hiatus to focus on personal well-being, Rodney is now reviving their writing career. Shifting focus from plays to comedic short stories, Rodney travels the country with their chihuahua, searching for a place to call home.

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Thursday 15 August 2024

Cover Reveal: Light and Shadow Duet by N.N. Britt


Isaac: Light & Shadow Book 1

Dallas: Light & Shadow Book 2

Author:  N.N. Britt

Cover Artist: Sarah Kil

Release Dates: September 12 and September 26

Genre: MM Mafia Romance

Tropes: Forbidden Romance, Undercover Agent/Gang Leader, 

Slowburn, Morally Gray Leads, Enemies to Lovers

Heat Rating: 4 flames 

Length: Book 1 - 86 000 words/Book 2 - 65,000 words

Book 1 ends on a cliffhanger. Book 2 is HEA

Pre-Order Buy Links: 

Isaac   |   Dallas

Amazon UK


Isaac: Light & Shadow Book 1

In the heart of Sin City, two men on opposite sides of the law collide in a dangerous game of power, passion, and betrayal.


In the heart of Sin City, two men on opposite sides of the law collide in a dangerous game of power, passion, and betrayal.

Isaac Thoreau, the son of a notorious crime boss, has spent nine years behind bars for his father's murder. Driven, cunning, and unfeeling, he's now back to claim what's rightfully his. But when an enigmatic security guard named Hawk is hired to work at his nightclub, Isaac finds himself distracted… and inexplicably drawn to Hawk, despite his best efforts to resist.

Special Agent Dallas Bradley's mission is clear: infiltrate the Hellhounds and bring their leader, Isaac Thoreau, to justice. Posing as Hawk, Dallas is determined to uncover the secrets of the Thoreau criminal empire. But as he delves deeper into Isaac's world, the lines between right and wrong blur, and soon an undeniable attraction grows between the two men, forcing Dallas to question everything.

Walking away before he's compromised would be the smart choice, but Dallas can't resist Isaac's magnetic pull, even if it means risking his life.

As love and duty clash, only one question remains: will Isaac and Dallas survive the fallout?

Isaac is the first installment of Light & Shadow Duet. It can not be read as standalone. This is a dark MM mafia romance that explores various sensitive subjects like violence, abuse, PTSD, etc.


Dallas: Light & Shadow Book 2

Prepare for Betrayal and Redemption in Sin City.

As the leader of the Hellhounds and a valued member of the notorious Thoreau crime syndicate, Isaac has it all: power, money, fear. Falling for someone has never been on his radar. But for the first time in his life, Isaac thinks he's found someone he can truly trust—the mysterious security guard who shattered through his icy defenses and became the one person Isaac could be himself with.

Until everything goes up in flames.

Dallas Bradley has been treading an unstable line of deceit between righteousness and criminality. Isaac Thoreau's world is slowly turning him into Hawk, the man who doesn't exist, the man who's ready to do bad things to survive and remain close to Isaac. But when a dangerous deal goes south, in order to save Isaac's life, Dallas is forced to reveal the devastating truth—he's a Special Agent sent to infiltrate the Hellhounds and bring down Isaac.

Heartbroken and enraged, Isaac can't stand the man who betrayed him so deeply. However, when it's clear Isaac's fate is prison, Dallas strikes a bargain with his boss: help save Isaac from life behind bars and keep Dallas undercover to clean up the mess.

Isaac hates Dallas more than ever, but to escape the crosshairs they must work together once more. As tempers and stakes flare in the streets of Sin City, Dallas will risk everything to redeem himself in Isaac's eyes. But can their undeniable connection survive when trust has turned to ash?

Dallas is the second installment of Light & Shadow Duet. It should be read after Isaac. This is a dark MM mafia romance that explores various sensitive subjects like violence, abuse, PTSD, etc.

About the Author 

N.N. Britt writes emotional romance novels about music and imperfect people falling in love.

Author Links

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Monday 12 August 2024

The Amphitheater of Souls by Patrick Bryce Wright


Book Title: The Amphitheater of Souls

Author:  Patrick Bryce Wright

Publisher:  JMS Books, LLC

Cover Artist: Written Ink Designs

Release Date: July 13, 2024

Genres: M/M Romance, Dark Fantasy

Tropes: Found family, soul mates, gay male virgin, sexy elf lover, human and elf lovers

Themes: initiation into adulthood 

Heat Rating:  3 flames  

Length:  56 000 words/104 pages 

It is a standalone story and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Sale Price - 50% off 

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK  |  JMS Books

When a plague hits his village, the shaman Cian travels to dwarves and centaurs for a cure. He allies with Thanyan, a lovely male elf, falling in love. Can they save the village and their own lives?


When a plague ravages his village, the shaman Cian sails to the land of the dwarves for a cure. During the voyage, he meets and allies with Thanyan, a beautiful male elf who is a bard. Upon reaching the dwarven cleric whom Cian has been tasked with consulting, they uncover a dangerous secret: the plague resulted from blood magic. To undo this forbidden magic, they must travel to the island nation of the centaurs and visit The Amphitheater of Souls, the ancient temple where the blood magic was cast.

Cian and Thanyan hire a female dwarven warrior, Loquin, as a bodyguard for protection against the instigator of the plague. However, they still find themselves stalked, assaulted with magic, and tangled in secrets. On the voyage to the island, a sea serpent attacks, nearly destroying their ship, and when they arrive at the island, the spellcaster launches further attempts to kill them so they can’t lift the blood curse causing the plague. With the help of centaur priestesses, the group fights to untangle a dark affair that is revealed to span decades.  

As Cian and Thanyan become embroiled in this dangerous mission to capture the rogue spellcaster, they grow to love each other. But with their lives at risk, can they save the village and live out their lives together in love? 


In the morning, Cian and Thanyan ate a hearty dwarven breakfast and walked back to the Five Abbeys. Rokemak awaited them. He opened the door as soon as Cian knocked.

Cian bowed. “Good morning, Esteemed Cleric Rokemak.”

“Yes, a good morning indeed. Do come in.” Rokemak swerved through the stakes of books and the three cats, each of which tried to trip him as he walked.

Cian and Thanyan followed Rokemak inside. 

“Does this mean you’ve discovered something more about our quest?” Thanyan asked. 

“I have information, yes.” Rokemak picked up two letters from his desk, both with a wax seal. He handed them to Cian. “The first letter is to Etena, Priestess of the Western Temple of Equatusa. The Western Temple is where you’ll need to go to access the Amphitheater of Souls. I’ve met and spoken with her before. She’s even-tempered—for a centaur, anyway—and will hear you out.”

Cian glanced at the first letter. “Will the city guards permit us to enter if I show them this letter?” The outside was addressed to Etena from Rokemak.

Rokemak snorted. “They will test your strength first. Typically, centaurs are like the stereotypical night elves: They hate tourists, and they hate weaklings.”

“Great. So I’ll have to practice fighting with Loquin, or I’m doomed.” Cian wished now he’d kept up his skills after his elder sister had trained him. He held up his arms, which were slender, not muscular. “I’m a druid and an apprentice shaman. I have no interest in fighting.”

“Centaurs prefer physical strength,” Rokemak said, “but they accept there is more than one kind of power.”

“Druidic power?” Cian raised an eyebrow. “The skills of a shaman?”

“Think about what you can do that others cannot,” Rokemak said.

“I don’t know of another person besides my gran and Shaman Shaeya who has visions,” Thanyan said. “That is a rare gift from the deities. I don’t suppose you can have visions deliberately?”

Cian cringed and let his gaze hover on Rokemak’s longhaired white cat napping in the sunlight pouring through a window. “Shaeya and Adeen have both mastered inducing visions at will, but I have not. I am able to scry for information using water or fire. If centaurs find divination useful, it’s one of my top skills. That and healing spells.”

“Healing spells are useful everywhere,” Rokemak said. “In fact, among the night elves, healers have the most respect afforded them of any magic user.” 

Surprised by Rokemak’s even tone of voice when discussing night elves, Cian glanced back at him. Humans usually hate and fear night elves. Apparently dwarves do not. 

Thanyan glowered at the mention of the night elves. 

“Above all, centaurs prize honor.” Rokemak stooped to pet the zebra-coated cat swiping his legs. “Don’t forget that.”

“Very well.” Cian knew little about centaurs, so he took the priest’s word at face value. 

“Above all else, dwarves are honorable, and Cian is a most honorable human,” Thanyan said. “He is willing to sacrifice himself for his village. If anything, Cian could use slightly less honor.” He slanted Cian a look. “However, if this impresses upon the centaurs the dire importance of the quest, then all is well.”

Cian held up the second envelope. “And this letter?”

“That is to the high priestess Gordina.” Rokemak straightened. “You need to ask Etena to take you to see Gordina. She’ll first bite your head off, but if you persist, she’ll agree to be interviewed. From there, convince her to do the spell you need.”

“And do you know which spell we need?” Cian asked.

“Not precisely. Only that it must reverse the blood magic spell.” Rokemak’s brow furrowed. “Only Gordina will know which one will work. She can deduce which spell was cast, or, if you are lucky, she’ll have a record of the spell.”

Cian stowed both letters in his bag. “Thank you for the invaluable advice. You honor Shaeya with your friendship, and I am deeply grateful.”

 “Oh, none of that.” Rokemak flushed lightly. “This is my final piece of advice. Equatusa is a goddess of the centaurs. Her statues are obvious because she’s portrayed as a centaur with wings. Each time you see a statue of her, incline your head, bow, or otherwise salute her. The centaurs will take it as a sign of respect to them and their culture. Now off to the docks with you! The daily ship to Valcalla leaves soon.” 

“I will pen you into my epic about our quest favorably,” Thanyan said with a grin. 

Offering a final bow, Cian allowed Rokemak to usher them away.

About the Author 

I’m a quirky English professor with tattoos, piercings, and an addiction to supernatural thriller, horror, fantasy, and science fiction. I'm proudly neurodivergent, third gender, and a trauma survivor, all things often reflected in my novels. I have degrees in both English and psychology, both of which inform my writing. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, off-road biking, and pyrography.  

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Sunday 11 August 2024

Road to a Cowboy by Amy Aislin


Book Title: Road to a Cowboy

Author and Publisher: Amy Aislin

Cover Artist: Morningstar Ashley Designs

Release Date: August 6, 2024 (audio coming early September)

Genre: Contemporary M/M romance

Tropes: Childhood friends to lovers, small town, cowboys

Themes: Family, friendship

Series: Windsor, Wyoming 2

Heat Rating:  3 flames   

Length: 57 000 words

It’s book two in the Windsor, Wyoming trilogy, but can be read as a standalone and does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

Amazon  |   Apple  |   B&N   |   Kobo


Five years after the death of his spouse, Austin MacIsaac is ready to find love again—and he's got the perfect guy in his sexy cowboy of a best friend, Cal Anderson. If only he can convince Cal to detour out of the friend zone.

Road work ahead
Cal has been in love with Austin for longer than he can remember. The man has been his rock through the ups and downs of messy family drama. But shaking up their friendship for something more could lead them down a bumpy and unsafe road.

Amid a backdrop of the Wyoming mountains and under a summer sky, can Austin and Cal merge their lives into one and let the road to romance lead to happily ever after?


Austin’s heart did a sideways flip when Cal stopped next to him, his broad shoulders as intimidating as the Rockies to anyone who didn’t know him.

“Welcome back,” Cal said in a slow drawl that dragged along Austin’s senses. “How was Montana?”

“Beats me,” Austin said with a grin, keeping his eyes on the image on his camera’s display. “But Kootenai National Forest was gorgeous. You should see some of the shots I got. The night sky there is spectacular.”

“Doesn’t it look the same as everywhere else?”

Austin gave him the stink eye. “Don’t sass me, Calvin.”

Cal didn’t smile—his smiles were as rare as a sighting of Halley’s Comet—but his lips twitched.

“And no, it doesn’t look the same everywhere.”

“If you say so.” Cal looked off to the right. “What’s with the second camera?”

Austin jerked his gaze to where he’d set up an additional tripod several feet away. “That one’s recording so I can make a time-lapse video.”

Cal grunted.

His presence was nonintrusive as the sun sank and the stars began to emerge, yet Austin was always aware of him. He was as aware of Cal as he was of the location of the moon or the image in his camera’s viewfinder.

A few minutes later, shadows bathing the landscape, Austin began packing up his equipment under a sky quickly turning to dusk. The mountains had turned nearly invisible—when it got dark out here, it got dark—and Cal was almost a silhouette against the sky. Something about him standing silently with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans, gazing out into the distance, screamed of both contentment and loneliness, making Austin’s heart clench.

The first memory Austin had of Cal at Windsor Ranch was of him falling into a puddle near the corral on a rainy summer day when they’d been seven or eight. Now, as the foreman of that same ranch, Cal was basically running the place. The juxtaposition between kid-Cal, covered in rain and mud as he’d blinked up at Austin with big gray eyes as though wondering how he’d fallen into the puddle, and adult-Cal, tall, strong, coolly confident, and carrying the weight of the entire ranch on his shoulders, was sometimes jarring in that strange twist-of-fate kind of way.

Austin brought the camera up to his eyes, adjusted the settings, and snapped a photo, framing Cal in the right third of the shot while he gazed off to the left, making the viewer wonder what he was looking at. Austin would call it Cowboy Against the Night. He might even put it up for sale in his gallery instead of keeping it for himself.


Cal must’ve heard the shutter, because he turned with a raised eyebrow.

“Smile,” Austin said, aiming his camera at him again.

Cal did the exact opposite, making Austin laugh as he took the picture anyway.

About the Author 

Amy’s lived with her head in the clouds since she first picked up a book as a child, and being fluent in two languages means she’s read a lot of books! She first picked up a pen on a rainy day in fourth grade when her class had to stay inside for recess. Tales of treasure hunts with her classmates eventually morphed into love stories between men, and she’s been writing ever since. She writes evenings and weekends—or whenever she isn’t at her full-time day job saving the planet at Canada’s largest environmental non-profit.

An unapologetic introvert, Amy reads too much and socializes too little, with no regrets. She loves connecting with readers. Join her Facebook Group to stay up-to-date on upcoming releases and for access to early teasers, find her on Instagram, or sign up for her infrequent newsletter.

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Saturday 10 August 2024

Hunt In The Night by S. J. Coles


Book Title: Hunt In The Night (Blood and Bonds series #3)

Author: S. J. Coles

Publisher: Pride Publishing

Release Date: August 6, 2024

Genre:  Contemporary Paranormal Mystery/Cop

Tropes:  Bi Awakening, Vampire, Men In Uniform, Gay For You

Themes: Coming out, forgiveness 

Length:  71 136 words/282 pages

Heat Rating:  4 flames

It is book 3 of 3. It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links 

Publisher   |   Universal Link 


Detective Inspector Mason Walker is good at his job. He has never focused on much else in his life. Women come and go. Friends take time he doesn’t have to spare. The job is constant. He works hard and has built a reputation for determination and integrity.

Now his skills are needed more than ever. The level of violence in York has risen, involving both the haemophile and human communities. These are unexplored waters for Mason, with both political and professional implications, and Mason is afraid to lose his way.

But there’s been a murder—a haemophile—and Mason’s facing the question of not only who committed the dreadful crime but how? Nothing seems to be adding up. And being assigned a haemophile partner, Special Officer Cai Bracken, a freelance detective working for the Met Police, only increases his tension.

What’s really unnerving is that Cai is not only making Mason question his professional convictions, but his personal preferences, too…his most personal preferences.

With so much at stake, can Mason really cope with overhauling his police work and his personal life all at once?


Sunset was still an hour away when Mason pulled in at Oswald House, but the day already felt like it had lasted twice as long as any other he had lived through. Fatigue from the sleepless night was like an undertow tugging at his brain. But his heart was skipping about when he pressed the doorbell.

Jesse Truelove opened the door. He blinked when he recognized Mason.

“Any news?” he asked as he stepped back to allow Mason inside.

“Not yet I’m afraid,” he said, glancing up the stairs. “I’m here to see SO Bracken.”

Truelove raised his eyebrows. “No one’s supposed to know he’s here…not even you.”

“I am a detective, you know. And I have a matter of some urgency to discuss with him.”

“Well, you’re a little early, mate,” Truelove drawled, glancing at his watch.

“I know,” Mason said awkwardly. “If there’s just somewhere I could maybe wait? I don’t want to be in the way.”

“Detective Inspector Walker?”

Mason turned. Tom Addams was there. His face was strained. There were shadows under his eyes. “Anything?”

“I’m sorry…no, not yet,” Mason said with sincere regret.

“He’s here to see Cai,” Truelove said.

“There is one thing I wanted to ask you about, actually, Mr. Truelove.”

“Mate, please,” Truelove said, opening the door to the same sitting room as before. “Call me Jesse. I’m changing my name soon anyway.”

“Jesse,” Mason said, taking a seat on the sofa as Tom took the armchair and Jesse perched on the sofa arm. “It was that that I wanted to talk to you about. I don’t want to sound insensitive, but have you and the Baron considered postponing your wedding?”

Jesse exchanged glances with Tom. “Yes. We considered it. I did more than consider it, if I’m honest.”

“I heard their shouting match from the other end of the house,” Tom said with a smile.

Jesse made a noisy sigh. “We’re not postponing.”

“Jesse,” Mason started, but Tom interrupted him.

“Darragh fought very long and hard for Emory and Jesse’s wedding to be allowed to happen,” he said. “He would want it to go ahead. Otherwise, there’s no point to any of it.”

“Okay,” Mason said. “I understand. I just wanted to make sure someone had mentioned the idea.”

“They’ve both mentioned it,” Tom said. “And I told them the same thing I told you. The wedding is going ahead.”

“You’re a stubborn asshole, you know that?” Jesse said to Tom, but he was smiling.

“Darragh would never forgive me if we just gave up.”

“It’s not giving up,” Jesse argued. “It’s just looking at the bigger picture.”

“And what did Emory say when you said that to him?”

Jesse rolled his eyes. “Let’s not have this argument again.”

“Okay, we won’t,” Tom said with a shaky smile and stood. “Now, if you don’t need anything else, I have a security sweep to run.”

Tom left and Jesse stared after him with a haunted expression.

“I’m very sorry you’re having to go through all this.”

“Not your fault,” Jesse murmured. “Just catch the bastard. That’s all we want.” Mason nodded, even though Jesse wasn’t looking at him. Jesse stood. “You can wait here if you want. Get you anything? Coffee? Something stronger?”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Mason said. “I’ll just wait here, if that’s okay.”

“Knock yourself out,” Jesse said, and left.

The room was warm. The sofa was comfortable. The light grew dimmer, and Mason’s eyes began to droop.

A touch on Mason’s hand brought him out of a soft, pleasant dream. He blinked groggily. Bracken was sitting in the armchair.

“You should get some proper sleep.”

Mason sat up, rubbing his eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have nodded off.” He blinked at Bracken, all the feelings he’d told himself he’d keep suppressed rushing to the surface. “You didn’t call back.”

Bracken’s expression closed. He stood. “Not here.”

Mason followed Bracken along a corridor, down some stairs and through a series of locked doors to a comfortably furnished room. There was a wardrobe, a sofa, a desk covered in papers and an open laptop. There were minimalist paintings on the walls, several shelves of books and a large TV. It was airy and comfortable, but with no windows. No bed.

“This is where you sleep?”

Bracken indicated an inner door locked with a numbered keypad. “I have a secure sleeping cell through there, completely up to grade.” Bracken gave him a pained look. “Walker, no one’s supposed to know I’m here.”

“Why not?”

“It’s not exactly neutral ground, is it? But it’s not like I can check into the nearest hotel, either.”

“I think you’re capable of keeping your sleeping arrangements separate from your professional duties.”

Bracken lifted an eyebrow. “Well, that’s loaded.”

Mason sank onto the sofa. “I’m sorry. I…I didn’t sleep last night.”

About the Author

S.J. Coles is a Romance writer originally from Shropshire, UK. She has been writing stories for as long as she has been able to read them. Her biggest passion is exploring narratives through character relationships.

She finds writing LGBT/paranormal romance provides many unique and fulfilling opportunities to explore many (often neglected or under-represented) aspects of human experience, expectation, emotion and sexuality.

Among her biggest influences are LGBT Romance authors K J Charles and Josh Lanyon and Vampire Chronicles author Anne Rice.

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