Friday, 21 February 2025

The Christopher Books by Stephen G Hardy



 LGBTQ+ Contemporary/Literary fiction with a speculative element

Christopher Dunn is a young man who possesses unique qualities that draw people to him. In return, everyone who meets him is changed for the better. Everyone could use a Christopher in their lives.

The three books in the series need to be read in order.

Overall Heat Rating for the series: 2 flames

Follow Christopher as he explores various types of relationships

and the impact he has on the lives of others.



Book Title:  Search for Complete

Cover Artist: Ryan Mulford

Length: 83 00 words /380 pages

Release Date: June 4, 2023

Pairing: MMF

Tense/POV: 2 POV’s in the first person

Genres: LGBTQ+ Contemporary/Literary fiction with a speculative element

Tropes: Unrequited love

Themes: Interpersonal relationships, asexuality

It can be read as a standalone story, but it is part of a series.

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK


“Why do I get the feeling that Christopher is the type of man that would make the perfect husband for any woman and, at the same time, the perfect wife for any man?” Laura says shortly after Christopher begins his new job at the TV station. Laura’s statement would turn out to hold more truth than she could imagine. No one who meets Christopher, especially not Laura, as well as David, a gay man he meets at a party, understands what it is about him that draws them to him. They also don’t realize that Christopher is searching for something, a search complicated by their desires for him.

Awards: 2024 International Impact Book Award winner for LGBTQ+ Literary Fiction; The BookFest Awards, Fall 2023- Honorable mention LGBTQ+ Literary Fiction


Book Title: The Price of Happiness

Length: 83 000 words/372 pages

Release Date: November 24, 2023

Tropes: Unrequited love 

Themes: Interpersonal relationships, trans

Tense/POV: 2 POV’s in the first person

 This is the second book in the series and the first has to have been read.

It ends on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK


As Search for Complete left off, the birth of his twins had just completed Christopher. However, though he has what he had searched so long for, he now must deal with the associated costs, namely the unraveling of his relationship with Laura, the mother of his twins. The birth of the twins should have brought Laura joy, yet, instead, she finds herself on an intense emotional rollercoaster. Laura resents Christopher's happiness—resents that he is a better mother than she is. But most of all, Laura resents that the twins are Christopher's spitting image—nowhere does she see herself in them. Christopher fears his happiness in becoming a father has become Laura’s undoing. As he tries to help her adjust to the reality of their situation, Laura struggles to find herself in the tangled mess of their relationship.

In The Price of Happiness, Stephen Hardy has created a profound and moving novel on the themes of parenthood, identity, love and loss—and the cost of getting what we want.


Book Title: When the Sun and Moon Touch

Length:  85,000 words/397 pages

Release Date: March 29, 2024

Genres:  LGBTQ+ Contemporary Fiction, M/M Romance

Tropes: MM relationships/romance

Themes: Gender identity, asexuality, interpersonal relationships

Tense/POV: 2 POV’s in the first person

The stories need to be read in order. This book picks up where book two left off.

This book does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK


Christopher has settled into life as a single father to his twins, Loren and Christine. Content with his life, he is contemplating the imminent return of their mother Laura, who has been traveling through Europe for nearly a year, when he meets Benjamin, a direct descendant of the sun. Suddenly, his contentment is upended as he tries to understand the reason for their meeting. Despite what Benjamin says, that they are meant to be together, 

Christopher initially tries to hold Benjamin at arm's length, believing that he is only to be for Benjamin what Joseph was to him—a friend and mentor. 


Opening scene from book 3: When the Sun and Moon Touch

Their laughter brought me great joy as I watched Loren and Christine mount the short flight of steps and slide down the slide on their behinds. They were quite independent, except for each other, even at the age of two, and had refused my assistance. While they romped, I sat on the bench to watch and enjoy what had turned out to be a lovely day for the end of March. In this moment I felt as though I had not a care in the world.

  The sound of an email arriving on my phone startled me. Pulling it from my jacket pocket, I was surprised to see it was from Laura, as it was rare to get one from her.


I am planning on returning at the beginning of May. Please let the rental company know they need to have the tenants vacate by the end of April. Thanks.


  That was it. There was nothing about how she was doing or what she planned to do upon her return. She did not even ask after the twins. But then she never asked about them. I tried not to read anything into this, but it was not easy. 

It had been nearly a year since Laura had left our children in my sole custody while she backpacked her way around Europe in order to find herself, something I had supported both emotionally and financially. She never let on how she was doing in any of her very short emails. And now, she was coming back. 

I put my phone away and looked at the twins, thinking about what Laura’s return could mean for us. Would Laura still feel the same way about things as she had when she left: that the twins belonged to me and not to her?

“Excuse me?” 

 Blinking at the sound of someone's voice, I looked up to see a handsome man looking down at me with grey-green eyes that were all the more striking given his dark coloring. Suddenly, something flitted within his eyes, and I caught my breath. Could it be? Composing myself, I said, “Hello, may I help you?”

“Hi. No. I,” The stranger paused, suddenly flustered, “Sorry to disturb you, but are those children playing on the slide yours?” he blurted out.

“Yes, they are.”

“I thought so. They look just like you.” He held out his hand. “My name’s Benjamin Johnson.” 

“I am Christopher Dunn,” I replied, taking his hand and then indicating the place beside me on the bench, “You may join me if you wish.” I had to find out if what I had seen was indeed there.

Benjamin sat beside me, looking down at his hands while I looked at him. Looking up, he seemed about to say something and then stopped.

“Yes?” I prompted.

“Yes, what?” He stammered.

“Sorry, I thought you were going to ask me something.”

“Um, I was, but never mind.”

“No, please. Tell me what you were going to say,” I said, giving him a small smile of encouragement.

“Well, and I know this will sound ridiculous, but I had this weird feeling that something led me to you. God, I’m sorry. That sounds like some bad pickup line,” Benjamin said, laughing to cover up his embarrassment. Even with his dark skin, I could tell he was blushing.

“I do not think it sounds crazy at all.” I turned to face Benjamin, giving him my full attention. “Tell me more about this feeling.”

“I don’t know that there’s anything more to tell.”

“I think there is and would like to hear it,” I said, staring intently into his eyes, still amazed by what I saw there. What were the chances that I would meet someone like Joseph here in Balboa Park, seemingly by chance? But no, Benjamin had been guided to me if his statement was true.

“Um, okay, well, I was walking through the park and felt this pushing sensation against my back whenever I stopped to look at anything. It continued until I saw you.”

“Has there ever been another time you felt this?” I asked, not moving my eyes from his face.

“No, I don’t think so.”

“I see.” For some reason, I did not believe him. “I take it you just moved to San Diego.”

“How did you know?”

“Your accent, for starters.”

“Oh, yeah. I guess that is a giveaway. I keep forgetting that here, I have an accent. I moved here in mid-January from Atlanta.”

“Was there a special reason for the move?”

“A job.”

His words surprised me. “Oh. Had you been looking for a new job?” I said, recalling that I had moved to San Diego for a similar reason.

“Actually, no, I hadn’t been looking. I got a call from a recruiter and . . .” Benjamin paused.


“Sorry. I just remembered that when I got the call about the job, I felt something was compelling me to take it. Kind of like what I described to you just now about being guided to you. But that must have been my imagination as well.”

“I see. You felt yourself being pushed to move here, and you felt the same sensation leading you to me,” I said, more to myself than to him.

“Crazy, isn’t it?”

“On the contrary, Benjamin, I find it very plausible.”

“Are you saying that I felt that desire to take the job here in order to meet you?”

“It is entirely possible,” I replied, still marveling at the coincidences of our experiences.

“But what possible reason could there be?”

That remains to be determined.”

About the Author 

Stephen Hardy was born in the San Francisco Bay Area but grew up in the Pacific Northwest. His career as a fashion designer took him back to San Francisco before he headed to New York City, where he met his husband of twenty years. Tiring of the hectic pace of the fashion industry, Stephen gave up his career to become a stay-at-home dad for his and his husband’s two adopted sons and a quiet life in Connecticut. Now residing in Phoenix, Arizona, and with the kids grown, Stephen returned to university, where he rediscovered his love for writing. His focus is on contemporary fiction, examining social issues regarding gender, sexuality, and relationships. Search for Complete is his first novel.

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

New Release - To Tempt A Troubled Earl by Fearne Hill


Book Title: To Tempt A Troubled Earl

Author: Fearne Hill

Publisher: NineStar Press

Cover Artist: Melody Pond

Release Date: March 4, 2025

Tense/POV: Third person/past tense/alternating POV

Genres:  MM Regency Romance 

Tropes:  Adventure, Enemies to lovers, hurt-comfort, slow burn, opposites attract

Themes: Humorous, aristocracy, scheming shenanigans on the side

Heat Rating: 4 flames

Length: 75 0000 words

It is book 1 in a new series. It does not end on a cliffhanger. 

The next book is out later this year


Buy Links 

Nine Star Press   |   Amazon US   |   Amazon UK 

A devil’s bargain, an uneasy alliance.


A chancer and a rogue, Kit Angel is down on his luck. Presenting himself at Rossingley Hall in the dead of night, he begs an audience with the eleventh earl, the most enigmatic nobleman in Regency England.

The visit has purpose. Kit, hungry to ruin the lord who ruined his sister, believes Rossingley is the only man who can help him.

Lando Duchamps-Avery, eleventh earl of Rossingley, doesn’t trust the sinfully handsome stranger one bit. He does not care for the tales he spins, his hot temper, or his thick, ebony curls. And, most definitely, he is not in thrall to the delicious golden hoop dangling from Kit Angel’s left ear. Lando has his own motivations to ruin the same lord, and the two men form an uneasy alliance.

As the dangerous plot they hatch unfurls, the suspicious earl and the shady scoundrel are increasingly thrown together. Whilst the wily earl gradually surrenders to his growing attraction, Kit can’t make up his mind if he wants to swive him, declare undying love for him, or throttle him.

Bit by bit, as mutual desire swells between them, Kit wins over the earl’s body, his passion, and his trust.

But in order to win the earl’s elusive heart? The scoundrel must risk losing everything




“You have visitors, my lord.”

Inglis floated across the eleventh Earl of Rossingley’s sleepy eyeline, looking peevish. Lando swore the man had silken castors in place of feet. With white-gloved hands clasped together in front of his vexed frame, his head butler awaited his response.

“And you have chosen to disturb me about this because…” Lando tilted his balloon of brandy this way and that, playing the flickering candlelight against the delicately engraved crystal. That the evening was late was an irrelevance. He and his butler were of the same accord; visitors at any time of day were unusual, unwarranted, and unwelcome.

“A Mr Christopher Angel, my lord. And his sister, Miss Anne. The young man says it’s important.”

One of a pair, the balloon glass had been a gift from dear Charles. “I know of no one named Angel. Begging the question ‘important for whom’?”

“He didn’t make that distinction, my lord,” admitted Inglis. “But he gave the impression the matter is somewhat urgent.”

Lando took a warming sip of brandy. The drink of the damned. He didn’t especially care for it, but he fancied it lent him a louche, philosophic air. “What is urgent is seldom important, Inglis,” he deemed, pleased with his wisdom. Rousseau himself might make a similar pronouncement. “If it’s alms he’s after, toss him a half-crown, some cold meats, and send him on his way.”

The gloved hands wrung together. “I did try that, my lord. But he’s…ah…more insistent than our usual callers, and neither is he a pauper. And…” Inglis paused. Never let it be said the butler couldn’t milk a drama. “He…he mentioned one of his close relations. His uncle. One…ah…a former cavalry officer sadly no longer with us, God rest his soul.”

As Inglis made the sign of the cross, Lando took another, more contemplative sip. So many good men had fallen during the wars in France, and a chap struggled to keep up. “Oh, yes?”

Inglis cleared his throat. “Yes. A…ah…Captain Charles Prosser, my lord.”

Like rancid vinegar, the fine liquor soured on the earl’s tongue. He fought to swallow it down. Perhaps he should have stuck to port after dinner. Maybe it would have better softened the dull ache now swelling behind his rib cage. Captain Prosser. His dearest Charles, his lover. His heart.

Lando didn’t make his older lover’s acquaintance until after the wars, from which Charles returned hale and hearty. But where French bayonets and the battlefields of Trafalgar had failed, the insidious wasting disease prevailed. An annoying tickle became a cough, a cough tinged with blood. Slowly, inexorably, his lover faded away, their time together, in all of its perfection, too brief. A life only half lived; a conversation forever unfinished. Lando, not daring to be at Charles’s bedside at the end, heard the news of his passing from a mutual friend some two weeks after his lover had been buried beneath Kentish loamy earth.

Three long years ago. Yet even now, at unprepared moments such as this—and was there ever such a thing as a prepared one?—that name still had a powerful hold upon the eleventh earl. If Inglis hadn’t broken the crushing silence, it might have persisted well into the night.

“I have taken the liberty of passing the young man’s sister over to Mrs Sugden, my lord. The girl is in a state of great distress. And I have shown her brother to the small parlour. He’s…ah…not fit for the library.”

Inglis’s waspish voice sounded as if coming from an awfully long way away. “My lord might wish to be more suitably attired before receiving him?”

Tipping back his fair head, Lando forced another swallow of fiery amber liquid. For a second or two, it threatened to reappear, then he pulled himself together. Ridiculous. Three years gone and one mention of Charles turned him into a limp dishrag. Well, it was high time it didn’t. Time to make a clean breast of things. Time to stop bloody moping. Charles would have hated him squandering his salad days drinking alone and brooding in front of a dying fire.

He cast his gaze down his spare frame. Fussy Inglis might wish him more suitably attired, but Lando gave not a fig. As purportedly one of the richest men in England, Lando could host a ball clad in only his underclothes, and the ton would declare it the latest fashion in Paris. He pinned Inglis to the spot with his pale eyes.

“I’m decent. Uninvited callers find me as I am, or not at all. As you damned well know.”

About the Author  

Fearne Hill resides far from the madding crowds in the county of Dorset, deep in the British countryside. She likes it that way.

Her queer romance, Two Tribes, was a finalist in the 2023 Lambda Literary Awards.

Author Links

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Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win

one of five copies of Two Tribes

(nominated for a Lambda Literary Award in 2023)

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Now Comes the Dark by Thom Collins


Book Title: Now Comes the Dark

Author: Thom Collins

Publisher: Pride Publishing / Entwined Publishing

Cover Artist: Claire Siemaszkiewicz

Release Date: February 11, 2025

Pairing: Contemporary Dark MM Romance

Tense/POV: Third person

Genres: Thriller/Mystery/Suspense

Tropes: Instant lust, serial killer, community

Themes: Erotic thriller

Heat Rating:  4 flames  

Length: 63 000 words

It is the first book in a new series, but works as a complete standalone

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links

Universal Link |  Amazon US  |  Amazon UK


Roman Ballentyne is forced to make some changes. The city he loves is no longer safe. Tensions are high as a psychotic killer preys upon the LGBTQ community. Five men have been murdered in the last year. Every encounter is a risk. Anyone could be next. The Viaduct was once the shame of Blyham, an illicit club filled with private booths and dark rooms, sleazy in the extreme. Now it offers a secure space to hook up when it’s too dangerous to take a stranger home.

Mallon Garnier catches Roman’s eye. He’s moody and mature and the hottest man in the club, but as Mallon pairs up with someone else, Roman thinks he’s missed his chance. When Roman is the victim of a hate crime at the end of the night, Mallon is his saviour, taking on his attackers with savage efficiency. Their attraction is immediate and intense. Roman knows it’s wrong to go home with a stranger, but what harm can there be from the man who saved him?

The encounter is the start of an intense and passionate affair. But as the murders continue, Roman learns Mallon is keeping a deep secret, and the killer is closer than he thinks.


Roman stared at the man who had saved him as they drove away. He tried to speak, but there were no words. His throat was paralysed.

“Come on,” the stranger said. “Before their egos get the better of them and they circle around for another shot.”

“The police,” Roman gasped at last. “You called the police.”

“No. I didn’t have time. And it turns out, I didn’t need them.” He took a gentle grip of Roman’s arm and led him back down the road. “Come on. The New Inn will still be open. We need to get off the streets for now.”

The man walked fast. Roman had trouble keeping up with him and couldn’t stop from looking over his shoulder to see if his attackers were following. The road was clear.

“Thank you,” he said at last. Now that the shock of the ordeal was sinking in, he felt a growing weakness all through his body. I could have died there. At best he’d have faced a trip to the hospital to fix several broken bones. Those men had been serious, and though he hadn’t paid attention to all the hate crimes that had occurred in Blyham, he knew how badly beaten the survivors had been. And five men hadn’t been lucky at all.

“Mallon,” the man said. “My name is Mallon. I couldn’t stand by and watch them get away with that.”

“Thank you,” he repeated. “I’m Roman. How…how did you do that? There were three of them. That could easily have ended differently.”

“Boxing. Boot camps. I’ve been a fighter since I was a boy.”

The New Inn was fifty yards ahead. Roman saw a group of customers outside, and relief rushed through him. People. His kind of people. They were safe—for now, at least.

He glanced at Mallon as they walked. His gaze was fixed in front. A man with purpose and determination. His expression was deadly serious, his jaw taut.

The New Inn was the most traditional of the bars in the village, with old wooden floors and dark wood panelling. The long, original bar led through to a more recent extension and conservatory with a beer garden. The DJ played a selection of songs from the 1970s and ’80s, while the clientele of older gays stood around chatting. The bar area was packed. Mallon guided Roman through the crowd to the near-empty beer garden. Efficient heaters kept the night chill at bay.

“Stay here,” Mallon said, releasing his arm once Roman was seated. “What do you want to drink?”

“Vodka. Diet Coke.”

Mallon nodded and left him.

Roman wrapped his arms around himself and shivered, despite the warmth. Fuck. He’d never experienced anything as frightening in his entire life. Like any gay man, he was used to homophobia, but the abuse he’d experienced in the past had always been verbal—name calling and hateful comments. This was the first time he’d been threatened with physical danger. And if Mallon hadn’t turned up when he did? Roman shuddered and his heart raced again.

About the Author 

Thom Collins is the author of the Jagged Shores series and the Anthem Trilogy as well as numerous standalone novels and novellas. 

His new series Basic Instincts launches in spring 2025 with the novel Now Comes the Dark.

Thom has lived in the North East of England his whole life. He grew up in Northumberland and now lives in County Durham with his husband and two cats. He loves all kinds of genre fiction, especially bonk-busters, thrillers, romance and horror. He is also a cookery book addict with far too many titles cluttering his shelves. When not writing he can be found in the kitchen trying out new recipes. He’s a keen traveler but with a fear of flying that gets worse with age, but in 2013 he realized cruising is the best way to see the world.

Check out his website for news updates and a free ebook The Night

Social Media Links

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Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a chance to win 

one of 5 ebook copies of Now Comes the Dark and Night Crimes (a standalone short story) 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Monday, 17 February 2025

How To Win a Million Dollars and BEEP Glitter! by Luke Stoffel


Book Title: How To Win a Million Dollars and BEEP Glitter!

Author: Luke Stoffel

Publisher: Cinderly

Cover Artist: Luke Stoffel

Release Date: February 1, 2025

Pairing: MM

Tense/POV: past tense/first person

Genres:  Contemporary, Humor, Fictionalized Memoir 

Tropes: Coming-of-Age, Flawed Hero, Small-Town Dreamer, Cultural Satire, Underdog Story

Themes: Coming out, Resilience, Self-Discovery, 80s Nostalgia, Hope and Optimism

Heat Rating: 2 flames

Length: 72 000 words/ 263 pages

It is standalone not a series, but it has a related book coming in 2026. 

It does not end on a cliffhanger.


Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US   |  Amazon UK   

How To Win a Million Dollars and BEEP Glitter!
A Mostly True Misadventure


How to Win a Million Dollars is a madcap, self-deprecating, laugh-out-loud coming-of-age story that reads like David Sedaris meets Heartstopper, told as Ready Player One. It takes readers on an adventure through the wildly inventive, sometimes-questionable, but always entertaining schemes of a boy who would do anything to make it big. 

Growing up as a gay Catholic schoolboy in a tiny Mississippi River town surrounded by cornfields, Luke’s imagination was constantly set on fire by million-dollar daydreams and DIY hustles. Whether it was hunting down the missing Cap’n Crunch or gaming McDonald’s Monopoly, no scheme was too ridiculous, no shortcut too far-fetched. With his trusty Hustler bike and a mountain of determination, Luke didn’t just dream—he plotted.

Set in the 1980s, this is the story of a kid with a knack for scamming, hustling, and occasionally crashing and burning—all in the pursuit of that elusive big win. From navigating a Catholic school playground full of bullies to trying to “make it” out of a blue-collar family, Luke was always on the move, cooking up his next big adventure. Dragging his little sister—turned faithful sidekick—into trouble at every turn, her sweet voice was always in his ear, making us wonder: is he conning her, or is she saving him from himself?

As Luke grew up, so did the schemes—transforming into a Broadway Cinderella story of sorts, ditching it all for the artist’s life in Paris, and even getting cursed by a vengeful Hawaiian god. With each crazy plan, the stakes got higher, the twists got weirder, and Luke had to ask himself the big questions: Can you beat the system, or will the system beat you? And what do you do when your dreams—and all your wildest schemes—start to crumble?

Through hilarity, heartbreak, and the relentless pursuit of the American Dream, How to Win a Million Dollars explores the glittering highs and crushing lows of chasing success in a world shaped by Reaganomics, dyslexia, and the crumbling façade of opportunity. From paperboy scams to glitter-filled art shows, this story is proof that while everything can fall apart at any moment, the journey—chaotic, messy, and wildly imperfect—is the real prize. And maybe, just maybe, there’s still a million-dollar dream out there, waiting to be won. 


Chapter 1: Cereal Entrepreneur

The first time I tried to win a million dollars, it was the sweltering summer of 1985, and the Mississippi River was swollen and threatening to spill over its banks. The town was on edge, but thanks to the giant quarry wall my grandpa helped build back in the ‘50s, we were safe from the river’s fury. It was during that unforgettable summer when Cap’n Crunch went missing, and panic spread across the nation like wildfire.

Supermarkets were packed with towering displays of Cap’n Crunch, a mountain of yellow and blue boxes stretching to the ceiling. But when you looked up, there was no Captain. His jovial face had vanished, leaving behind nothing but dotted lines and a big question mark. He had disappeared, zeroed out. Zoinks! What was I to do?

The commercials made it sound so simple: find the Captain, restore him to his cereal kingdom, and win ONE MILLION DOLLARS. For a kid like me, the stakes couldn’t have been higher. A million dollars wasn’t just a number—it was a golden ticket, a way out of this tiny Mississippi River town.

Every Saturday morning, I’d sit in my parents’ living room—a shrine to America’s Bicentennial celebration. The royal blue carpet stretched wall to wall, its plush fibers worn thin in front of the TV. A deep red couch commanded the room like a throne, while gold curtains depicting Revolutionary War scenes framed the windows. It was like 1776 had crashed into 1980s suburbia, and somehow, we were still stuck suspended in between.

As my brothers and sisters tormented each other in the background, I was glued to the TV. The old box hummed as commercials blared, demanding kids like me solve the mystery, save the Captain, and claim the prize. The urgency of it all buzzed in my chest, electrifying the air around me. To a seven-year-old like me, a million dollars wasn’t just thrilling—it was everything. It meant a chance to escape this town, this life, and find something more.

In the afternoons, when the noise at home became too much, I’d head for the bluffs. The familiar path wound through tall grass that swayed gently in the breeze, the green hills rolling endlessly toward the horizon. I’d climb to my favorite perch and sit there for hours, the town spread out below me like a miniature toy train set. The limestone clock tower stood proudly at the center, surrounded by the river, the factories, and the steeples of the churches. Everything looked so small from up here, but somehow, it felt even smaller at eye level.

You see, up close, the town was just a second-rate version of Main Street USA, stripped of all the charm and magic of Disneyland. Most of the families here were like mine—working-class and stuck. I lived on the North End, what people would call the wrong side of the tracks, where factory workers like my dad scraped by. 

I was a short, scrawny kid with wavy dishwater blond hair, wearing tattered dungaree shorts that were practically a second skin during the summer, their faded denim streaked with dirt and grass stains. My skin was golden tan from hours in the sun, but my legs were a patchwork of scars from chigger bites I couldn’t stop picking. Sitting cross-legged on the warm earth, absently scratching at the bites, my mind churned, methodically piecing together a plan. The Captain was missing. My ticket to freedom was hidden somewhere out there, and all I had to do was find it. Yet from this vantage point, the possibility of something greater still felt wildly out of reach. A million dollars meant escape, and as I sat on that bluff, staring out at the endless rows of cornfields, I swore to myself I was going to find it.

Each week, I’d beg my mom to let me tag along to the grocery store. Econofoods smelled like a strange mix of fresh produce and fake lemon cleaning products that clung to the air. The linoleum floors were scuffed and worn down from years of shopping carts rattling over them and the steady shuffle of feet. Jess, my five-year-old sister, was always a whirlwind of energy, darting between aisles like a tiny tornado. She had our dad’s button nose and her favorite white, frilly cotton top tucked into neatly pressed khaki shorts. Her tiny diamond stud earrings, pierced at Claire’s in the mall when she was a baby, sparkled as she twirled through the store. Her short brown pixie cut bobbed with every step, her energy infectiously lighthearted even as I plotted my next move.

About the Author 

Luke Stoffel (b. 1978) Growing up a gay Catholic schoolboy on the banks of the Mississippi came with its own cross to bear. Confined by the cornfields of small-town Iowa, Luke’s understanding of God and his yearning for a world beyond began to take shape—often while nursing a bloody nose on the playground. The first thing Jesus taught him was how to hate himself; but the first thing the world taught him was how vast his possibilities were.

Luke is an accomplished artist and author, with several books available on Amazon, including The Easy Bake Unicorn Cookbook, The Art of Tarot: A History and Guidebook, and his debut novel 

How to Win a Million Dollars and BEEP Glitter! His second, follow-up novel, In Over Your Head, is set to release in 2026. Additionally, his art and photography are featured in his ongoing book series The Noble Path.

Stepping off the plane in Thailand was like landing on Mars. Surrounded by towering golden stupas, and realizing there was something beyond the confines of Christ, became an explosive creative catalyst. Having visited over 40 countries, Stoffel channels the diverse cultures he’s encountered into his art. His work explores spirituality in a vibrant, pop fantasy style, offering American audiences a glimpse into the world’s rich religious and cultural tapestries.

Recognized as one of NYC’s top LGBTQ+ artists by GLAAD he has been showcased by prestigious organizations like the American Foundation for AIDS Research, and the Matthew Shepard foundation. His art and photography have appeared on Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing, in the New York Times, Huffington Post, AM New York, Hawaiian Airlines Magazines, and on the cover of Next Magazine. His artistic contributions have earned him the Starving Artist Award, along with a commission for Ralph Lauren’s daughter. His art has graced iconic New York venues like the Puck Building, The Art Directors Club, The Prince George Gallery, GalleryBar, and New World Stages.

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Friday, 7 February 2025

The Truth of a Kaleidoscope Mind by Patrick Bryce Wright


Book Title: The Truth of a Kaleidoscope Mind

Author: Patrick Bryce Wright

Publisher: Wicked Ink Publishing, Ltd.

Release Date:  October 29, 2024

Pairing: MMF

Tense/POV: third person, past tense, single POV

Genres: Paranormal horror, psychological horror

Tropes: Haunted house, dark family secret, damaged guy finds love, childhood friends to lovers

Themes: Healing from trauma, found family

Heat Rating:  3 flames      

Length: 82 000 words/ 300 pages

It is a standalone book and does not end on a cliffhanger.


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When cleaning his dead mother’s cellar, Fredrick discovers his family’s dark secrets, unleashing angry spirits in the house that threaten both him and his new love. 

Shorter blurb

When Fredrick Anderson’s mother dies, he cleans her house and discovers his diary in the cellar. To his shock, it reveals what his mind hid from him: his parents abused him. The family secrets provoke the ghosts haunting the house. As the spirits threaten his life, Fredrick must uncover the truth of his family’s traumas and tragedies both to survive and find love. 

Longer Blurb

In a 1950s Craftsman house steeped in the weight of the departed, Fredrick Michael Anderson faces a daunting task: preparing his late mother's home for auction. Battling memories of a turbulent childhood marred by gender conflicts, Fredrick delves into the cellar alongside his faithful friend. Amidst unearthed relics, Fredrick stumbles upon his locked diary, triggering a chilling revelation.

Within its pages lie secrets of his father's sinister past, fracturing Fredrick's fragile psyche. Unleashed by the diary's opening are dormant spirits—some benevolent, others malevolent. As Fredrick grapples with Dissociative Identity Disorder, his mind splinters into distinct personalities. Amidst this psychological turmoil, a battle of good and evil ensues within the haunted confines of his home. 

Confronting his family's dark truths, Fredrick must navigate the volatile terrain of his own mind. Cryptic messages from a flapper ghost serve as a guide, unraveling his family's sinister history. To survive the malevolent forces unleashed by the diary, Fredrick must confront his inner demons, embracing painful truths and finding strength within. In this supernatural horror tale, the boundary between the paranormal and the psychological blurs, leaving Fredrick to confront the ghosts of his past—and possibly find love along the way.


The spirit of Fredrick’s mom appeared in front of the pantry doors. Like the day before, she wore jeans with a long-sleeved blue t-shirt. Orange conch earrings still dangled from her ears. She narrowed her eyes at them.

“God!” Toni shot to his feet, and Largo jumped off the table and scrambled out of the room.

Chalsey froze, her can halfway to the can opener. 

“I told you it’s none of your business!” Marilyn Smith Anderson snapped. Also like before, her short, permed hair was dyed brown in a perfect imitation of life. “Quit digging around in my life. All three of you have secrets you want to keep. So stay out of mine.” She pointed at the angel figurine collection. “And put my angels back where you found them! I didn’t give you permission to get rid of my possessions.”

The entity vanished. 

Fredrick stared at the empty spot, too numb to panic. Sounds just like her. Can’t be her. But sounds just like her.

Toni had pressed himself into the kitchen corner. 

Chalsey set down the can with a thump, as if her arm muscles gave out.

The electricity popped back on, a dozen electronic devices beeping.

“Well. That happened.” Fredrick turned toward Toni and discovered he was pale and sweating. I bet he’ll leave and never come back. “My life: the sudden horror novel. I write horror. I didn’t expect to live it.”

You already have lived it, said a conversational voice in his mind. That’s why you write it.

Fredrick cringed. Touché. “Okay. Why don’t you go outside into the sunlight?” Behold the power of shock. Now I’m as calm as Chalsey. Or fake calm, anyway. “Can you stand or sit on the grass and ground yourself?”

“Mmm,” was the extent of Toni’s reply. He edged out of the corner, slipped around Fredrick, and shot out the back door. 

That’s what you saw yesterday?” Chalsey’s tone was sharp.


Chalsey shook her head. “That’s the most powerful evil entity I have ever seen. Or even heard of.” Her voice was strained. “That has to be the demon.”

“My mom died and became a demon?” Fredrick was only half-joking, and he burst into laughter. “God, that’s amazing!” Even to his own ears, his laughter sounded hysterical. My mom, the demon! 

Abruptly, with no warning inside of himself, Fredrick grabbed an angel off the counter and hurled it at the floor with all his strength. It shattered, tiny white shards flying everywhere. “You bitch! You tortured me!” 

Chalsey jumped and knocked into the refrigerator. 

“God! Sorry. I’ll clean that up in a minute.” Fredrick raced out the door after Toni, needing fresh air and a large, open space. The blasting heat of the June sun hit Fredrick’s face, and he inhaled the thick, humid air. Get it together, man. You’ve got to get it together. Throwing things like an angry teenager isn’t gonna cut it. 

Fredrick closed his eyes and lifted his face, the sunlight halfway piercing his eyelids. Mother Mary, if you’re real, deliver me.

About the Author 

I’m a quirky English professor with tattoos, piercings, and an addiction to supernatural thriller, horror, fantasy, and science fiction. I'm proudly neurodivergent, third gender, and a trauma survivor, all things often reflected in my novels. I have degrees in both English and psychology, both of which inform my writing. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, off-road biking, and pyrography.  

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one of five ebook copies of Patrick's “sweet love” MM short story, Dancing at the Edge

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Hosted by Gay Book Promotions

Distinctly Daray (D’Vaire, Book 43) by Jessamyn Kingley


Book Title: Distinctly Daray (D’Vaire, Book 43)

Author and Publisher: Jessamyn Kingley

Cover Artist: LJ Anderson of Mayhem Cover Creations

Release Date: February 6, 2025

Genre: MMM Fantasy/Paranormal Romance

Trope: Fated mates

Themes: Love, overcoming obstacles

Heat Rating:  3 flames

Length:  90 460 words

It is not a standalone story, but does not end on a cliffhanger.

Goodreads Series Link 

Buy Links - Available in Kindle Unlimited

Amazon US  |  Amazon UK 

The odds are against them, but they refuse to allow anything to get in their way.


Victor Antonov-Daray is a lucky man. Thanks to his impetuous decision to apply for a job he didn’t qualify for, his life changed forever. In the decades since, Victor has gained experience, poise, and a found family. The Darays anchor his world. 

Every twelve months, new fallen knights are resurrected. Keegan Hayes considers himself fortunate to be among them. As a recruit, he is eager to train and study. Shortly after classes begin, Keegan discovers there is a shifter sentinel struggling to adjust to his resurrection. Keegan insists on meeting him.

No sentinel likes to stick out, but Phillip Osdraconis has no choice. His dragon will not allow him to rest. It takes sorcery to force the beast into submission. His precarious start means he is not ready for the courses necessary to prepare him for his future duties.

Phillip refuses to accept his fate idly. He is determined to forge a bond with his dragon, read his textbooks, and spar with his brethren. To his surprise, visitors arrive at his dorm door to greet him. One of them is his mate, Keegan.

Although they are pleased to be paired, their relationship is awkward. That is, until Phillip and Keegan are invited to dine with the Darays and they meet the missing part of their soul, Victor.

Now the three men must navigate the perilous road of a triple matebond. They do it willingly and with complete determination. Victor, Keegan, and Phillip soon learn everything is easier with love.


“Kisses?” Keegan asked.

“Phillip, come and sit between Keegan and me,” Victor ordered. “You’ll kiss him first.”

“Somebody better kiss me soon,” Keegan muttered as he rubbed his hands on his uniform pants.

“Tell Spicy to get a move on,” Victor said. “You guys met first. It makes sense you’d be the ones to kiss first. And we already know I’m more stubborn than an entire household of sentinels, so there’s no use arguing with me.”

“May I kiss you after Keegan?” Phillip asked.

Victor smiled, and there was no hesitation in his eyes. “I’d like that.”

Although Phillip was nervous, his dragon didn’t suffer from any anxiety. He wanted their mates, and nothing was going to stop him. Thankfully, the sentinel side of him was also eager to experiment. Doing what he’d wanted since he’d first met Keegan, Phillip stood and stepped closer to the sofa. Instead of sitting, Phillip carefully reached out and cupped Keegan’s handsome face in his palms. 

Keegan’s expression was solemn, but Phillip detected no hesitation in the fallen knight. Slow enough to allow Keegan to pull away if he suddenly changed his mind, Phillip leaned toward him and settled his mouth atop Keegan’s. His mate’s lips trembled apart, and Phillip’s dragon roared loudly. A surge of desire and protectiveness swept through Phillip as he dipped his tongue in to taste Keegan. 

Phillip had taken a great deal of time to think about what it would be like to kiss either of the men Fate had granted him, but his imagination was sadly lacking. Although he’d known Keegan was his and Victor’s sunshine, kissing him was as if the heat of the sun burned through him, setting him ablaze. 

His cock grew hard, but Phillip ignored it. Someday, he’d have the opportunity to make love to both Keegan and Victor, but it wouldn’t be tonight. Thankfully, it was impossible to feel any disappointment thanks to the lovely mixture of desire, comfort, and affection growing inside him and his dragon for their mates.

Keegan squeezed Phillip’s forearms, and it was a testament to how rattled the fallen knight had made him that he couldn’t recall the moment his other half had touched him. It was tempting to haul Keegan upward and pull their bodies flush together. His dragon growled with approval at the thought. Which was why Phillip pulled away and ended the delightful caress.

“Thank you,” Keegan whispered, his brown eyes full of wonder and yearning. “Go kiss Victor like that and change his life the way you just rocked mine.”

Phillip gave in to the temptation to ruffle his fingers through Keegan’s thick red waves as he enjoyed the scent of sunflowers flooding his system. “Is it I who should thank you. Would you prefer to kiss Victor first?”

“No, I want to watch,” Keegan insisted.

Phillip straightened and glanced at Victor. The cat shifter was watching them with fervent interest written all over his stunning face. To his shock, Keegan slapped Phillip’s ass as he took a step closer to where Victor was perched on the couch.

“Sorry, I’ve wanted to do that forever,” Keegan said.

“Good, me too,” Victor replied. “But don’t apologize for it.”

“He has a habit of apologizing too often,” Phillip remarked.

“We’ll work on it with him,” Victor promised, then he surged upward and grabbed Phillip’s jaw in his hands. He sealed their mouths together, and his tongue met Phillip’s. Unlike Keegan’s sweet sunshine, Victor was like the sparkles he loved—bright and glimmering. But he smoldered too. Their kiss was deep and rich, like the heady smell of a perfectly roasted cup of coffee. Phillip’s dragon adored the aggressive way Victor took charge, but the sentinel side of him was far too competitive to give in easily.

It was a battle. A delicious one Phillip knew he’d crave for eternity.

His erection throbbed, and Phillip nearly touched himself when finally Victor released him. 

“Are you guys sure I can’t strip?” Keegan asked. 

He whimpered a second later as Victor fused their lips. Phillip watched with slack-jawed interest as his mates kissed. Once again, a roar resonated through the recesses of his mind and soul. This one was the loudest of the night. Astonishingly, Phillip didn’t need to be touching his mates to grow more aroused.

Keegan slumped against the sofa as Victor pulled away.

“I can’t wait to dream about that later,” Keegan murmured.

“Phillip, take your daggers off and sit between Keegan and I so we can cuddle for a bit,” Victor requested. 

Happy to oblige, Phillip tore his daggers from his sides and slapped them onto the coffee table. His ass barely hit the cushions, and two men snuggled close. Phillip smiled as his dragon’s sounds of contentment rumbled through him. He wrapped an arm around Keegan and his other around Victor as he drank in the lovely feeling of being near them.

About the Author 

Jessamyn Kingley has published over forty titles and refuses to pick a favorite among them. With an extraordinary passion for her characters, she enthusiastically adds tales to her D’Vaire series and avidly re-reads them whenever her schedule allows. After decades living in the Washington, DC area, she now resides in Nevada with her husband and their three spoiled cats. When she is not writing or adding new ideas to her beloved notebooks, she is gaming with family and friends. 

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