Friday, 7 March 2025

Blade Broken (The Echelon Book 1) by Niranjan


Book Title: Blade Broken (The Echelon Book 1)

Author and Publisher: Niranjan

Cover Artist: Artscandre

Release Date: March 4, 2025

Pairing: MM (MF minor)

Tense/POV: Third person/past tense/alternating PoV

Genres: Sword and Sorcery, Political Fantasy

Tropes: Assassins, spies, political intrigue. Not a romance. Has secret siblings, former friends turned enemies becoming lovers again, but it’s just a part of the story.

Themes: Political fantasy with morally grey and complex characters, themes of forgiveness, redemption, found family are present

Length: 75 504 words/335 pages

Heat Rating: No sexual content. Not a romance. Some kissing and fade to black

It is the first book in the series and is not a standalone book. 


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A spy lurking in the shadows, a nation on the verge of an invasion, a man desperate to protect his home.


Lucian is the Blade of Castrial–the kingdom's spymaster and first line of defence, lauded for his success in repelling an invasion from Garaner. But the war has left Castrial's economy in shambles, and when the neighbouring kingdom of Sarian musters their armies and sends spies into Castrial, Lucian realises two things: they have a spy in their midst, and they can't afford the cost of fighting off another invasion.

And if that wasn't trouble enough, there is Alaric, the Shield of Castrial and the only man in the Echelon whose power is equal to Lucian's. Returned from banishment like the vengeful spirit of their long-lost relationship, Alaric carries a deep-set grudge against Lucian, a grudge that may well be justified. 

Lucian’s desire to protect his nation is nearly equal to his wish to reconcile with Alaric, but if he cannot get his act together and convince the Shield to work with him, Castrial will fall. 

Blade Broken is a queer, sword-and-sorcery fantasy and the first book in The Echelon Series. If you love flawed characters, betrayals and redemption, and gritty worldbuilding with lots of political machinations, you will love this book.

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“You’re here,” the King said, waving Lucian and Alaric to their seats while Astra took her position behind him. “I was about to pronounce the sentence.”

Alaric was alarmed at the King’s tone. His Majesty looked angry, lips pressed together and face red. His form was stiff. 

“Your Majesty,” he said.

“I’ve never seen a prisoner behave as that man did today. Not only did he admit to committing the crime, but he also didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with it!” The King’s hand gripped the sceptre set on to the side of his throne tightly. His voice was hard and cold. “He had no remorse for what he did. A human life was cut short, and he seems to think of it as no matter. Because the man was a commoner. As if that’s what matters!”

Alaric bit his tongue, stopped himself from speaking. Anything he might say now would cause more harm than good. Lord Giles was not the kind of man who deserved anyone’s sympathy. All the same, Alaric was worried about his family. The King had promised leniency, but with how Lord Giles behaved during the trial, how much could he depend on it?

Lucian seemed to be under some internal struggle himself. Alaric had to remember that Lord Giles’ family was as good as Lucian’s own now. If the King sentenced him to death or exile, he would have to arrange for Lucian to smuggle them out of Castrial. But with Sylvester compromised and not able to live in Garaner anymore, where could they go? There was always Ihweith, or another nation across the ocean which were on friendly terms with Castrial and where an immigrant Castrilian noble and his family would be safe. 

Why didn’t Lucian or Sylvester do it? Was it because they feared Alaric wouldn’t let go? That they thought his hatred of Lord Giles was so intense that he would pursue them no matter where they went? No other explanation presented itself and he couldn’t help how his lips twisted at the thought. 

He wished that Lucian had trusted him enough to know that he wouldn’t have pursued them if they had escaped. Not even Lord Giles. Did he really believe Alaric had become so vindictive?

The King made a gesture that opened the curtains that hid them all. He stood up and walked to the edge of the stage. 

“My dear subjects,” he said quietly, his voice amplified by a spell. “We have tried Lord Giles and have found him guilty of the crime he is charged with. He deserves the worst punishment for his crime, but his son, Sylvester has been selflessly serving Castrial for farials and deserves consideration. I exempt Sylvester Giles from the punishment meted out to his family. Lord Giles and his family are hereby sentenced to slavery for life, to be sold in public auction to the highest bidder within two days.”

He stepped back, the curtains slid back, and the spell dissipated.

Alaric couldn’t speak or move. Slavery. Public auction. He wasn’t sure if the King was being merciful or vindictive. It was better than death, better even than exile, but that didn’t make it all right. It would depend on the master, after all. 

And Keylin and Benjamin... Both of them were young, beautiful, and Alaric couldn’t be certain that they would be safe in any noble’s household. 

“Alaric,” the King said. “Stay. All the rest of you, leave.”

Lucian, Astra, and Jeron bowed to the King before leaving through the door at the back. The stage was set with so many wards that no one outside would be able to hear anything they speak in here, not even if they were listening at the door or used magical means to eavesdrop. 

“I want you to buy them.” The King’s gaze was hard. “Bid first. No one will bid against you.”

“Your Majesty!”

Not that he hadn’t thought of it, but he would not have expected the king to take a hand in an auction. 

“I know it revolts you, that there are no slaves in your household, but you have to do this.” The King paused. “I know I promised to be lenient, but this is the extent of my leniency. If he had shown any remorse...” The King shook his head, pressing his lips together. “All the same, the family is innocent and must be protected. There is no one else I can trust.”

About the Author  

An author and editor, Niranjan’s biggest ambition is to have a character named Garth in every book they write. Niranjan writes books rooted in mythical worlds, and their stories are often a combination of magic and futuristic technology.

When they are not writing or editing, Niranjan can be found cooking or just lying on their couch watching or rewatching C Dramas and writing fan-fiction.

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